Sensational 4 "Käse-Kaiser" (cheese Oscars) for Schärdinger and Tirol Milch!
Sensational 4
At this year’s Käse-Kaiser gala, organised by the AMA (Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing) on 11th November 2011 in the Orangery at Schönbrunn Palace, Schärdinger and Tirol Milch were awarded a sensational 4 Käse-Kaiser.
This was the sixteenth time in succession that the golden Käse-Kaiser trophies - now a tradition in their own right - have been awarded. The elegant surroundings of the orangery at Schönbrunn palace supplied the backdrop for the event this year.
Schärdinger and Tirol Milch proved unbeatable in 4 cheese categories
By winning awards in the cream cheese category (with Schärdinger Bojar Chives) and in the mild and fine sliced cheese category (with Schärdinger Bergbaron) as well as in the innovations category (with Schärdinger Austria Blu), Schärdinger was able to reinforce its position as market leader. Tirol Milch‘s Graf Görz won the coveted trophy in the soft cheese category.
With a total of 12 nominations in 8 categories, Schärdinger and Tirol Milch demonstrated their exceptional expertise in the field of cheeses. Outstanding: Schärdinger Bergbaron, which was awarded the statuette for an incredible seventh time.
Käsekaiser Crown for Josef Stiendl
This year a very special award was presented for the very first time: The golden Käsekaiser Crown was presented to expert cheese sommelier Josef Stiendl, who has been head of the successful Schärdinger Cheese Academy since 1997, for his exceptional services for Austrian cheese culture. As well as his outstanding expertise in cheese and his dedication to the field, Stiendl has distinguished himself through his immense commitment as an ambassador for cheese and also as an invaluable mentor through his services to furthering the advancement of Austrian cheese.
Proud of Schärdinger and Tirol Milch
"This year our success has been particularly special - winning four of these coveted trophies isn’t something that happens every day. The four awards we received for our cheeses from the cottage cheese, soft cheese, sliced cheese and cheese innovation categories confirm our endeavour to be the best on the market. We’re also particularly proud of the outstanding award presented to our member of staff, Josef Stiendl, who received the Käsekaiser Crown. We were more than true to our motto 'What you enjoy doing, you do well'," said head of marketing Ulf Schöttl on the subject of Schärdinger’s success at this year’s Käse-Kaiser Awards.
Käse-Kaisers awarded to Austria’s best cheeses
Since 1996, this award has been given to the best Austrian cheese varieties, specialities and innovations as well as to the most popular cheese in Germany. Further awards are presented to the most attractive cheese display cabinet in the retail sector as well as to the cheese sommelier of the year. Three nominations are made in each category. As well as the coveted trophy and certificate, winners are allowed to use the Käse-Kaiser emblem for marketing and advertising purposes over the following twelve months.